Sunday, July 5, 2015

De ce?

De ce?

   Mă întrebi de ce am bicicleta și nu mașină?
Pentru că și în marile orașe îndrăgostiți se dau cu bicicleta.
   Mă întrebi de ce nu te duc unde vrei tu?
Pentru ca trebuie planificat, doar dragostea e spontană.
   Mă întrebi de ce nu dau totul?
Pentru ca am lucrat la persoana care am devenit și nu pot fi jucăria ta.

   Totul are un rost în viata asta, fiecare gest e binevenit și nu trebuie refuzat.
Iubește-mă pentru ceea ce sunt nu pentru ceea ce vrei sa fiu eu. La teatru vei găsi păpușa pe care o poți controla. 

Be there and be aware, I love with my heart not with my brain.

Friday, February 27, 2015

What is life?

      " What is life? Is it the flash of a firefly in the night? Is it the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime? Is it the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset? "

   Who can answer what is life? A little voice inside you says that you don`t need to question every little thing in your life. But if you don`t make the question how should you know what is the path you must take in order to "enjoy" your life? Time to time, the question haunts you. You belive it and you still are afraid to ask it. Be brave and take a deep breath and just let it out, the answer might surprize you.
   Why you need to question everything? Because it`s your nature. You still are afraid to ask yourself that question, you are afraid of the answer.

ASK and belive

Friday, January 2, 2015

Who do you think you are?
Black Bite

   Who do you think you are, coming in my life and making what you want with my soul? Where do you get the "guts" and the "nerve" to do that? It`s time to set your cards on the table and reveal your true "identity" once and for all. It all started with a smile and a tear on your cheek. After that the story turned into a beautifull miracle. Since you came and settled in no other can do that. Why is so hard to forget thee? Why is so hard to close that gap in there? Nobody could tell ME and that`s what is sorrowful.

   I get a glance at you and "it" starts all over again, the pain, the love, the tranquility before the perfect storm that is what "we" want. Sometimes I wonder to those moments that forged us, the ones that could stare at each other and still feel the sunrise in a cloudy sky.

   I feel like a fool, I feel wrecked in the sea of my own sorrow. It`s time to be brave and shout out the things that make ME go. It`s time to say the words that are in my conscience. Feel free to share with ME what thee really think. 

Stepping on a thought
Increasingly frail
Wandering, trying
To find you

A path
Somewhere far away
I see the sunlight,
I gives me caress

Hold my hand
Do not get lost in storm
Hold me in your arms
Give me hope

24.04.2012 * 02:04:27